97th United States Congress
The 97th United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 1981, to January 3, 1983, during the final weeks of Jimmy Carter's presidency and the first two years of Ronald Reagan's presidency. The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the Nineteenth Census of the United States in 1970. The House of Representatives had a Democratic majority. The Republicans gained control of the Senate, the first time that Republicans gained control of any chamber of Congress since 1953.
Major events
- Early 1980s recession
- January 20, 1981: Inauguration of President Ronald Reagan
- January 20, 1981: Iran hostage crisis ended
- March 30, 1981: Reagan assassination attempt
- April 12, 1981: First space shuttle launched
- June 5, 1981: First recognized case of AIDS
- August 5, 1981: President Reagan fired the air traffic controllers
- September 21, 1981: Senate confirmed the first female United States Supreme Court justice, Sandra Day O'Connor
- April 21, 1982: Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands addressed a joint meeting of Congress.
- November 2, 1982: United States general elections; Republicans retained Senate and Democrats increased control in House.
Major legislation
- August 13, 1981: Economic Recovery Tax Act,,
- August 13, 1981: Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981,,
- September 3, 1982: Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982,,
- September 8, 1982: Uniformed Services Former Spouses' Protection Act,,
- September 13, 1982: Codification of Title 31 of the United States Code, "Money and Finance",,
- September 20, 1982: Bus Regulatory Reform Act,,
- October 13, 1982: Job Training Partnership Act of 1982,,
- October 15, 1982: Garn–St. Germain Depository Institutions Act,,
- January 6, 1983: Surface Transportation Assistance Act,,
- January 7, 1983: Nuclear Waste Policy Act,,
Special or select committees
- Senate Select Committee on Small Business — Became a standing committee on March 25, 1981
- Senate Select Committee on Law Enforcement Undercover Activities of the Justice Department — March 24, 1982 – December 15, 1982
Party summary
House of Representatives
- President: Walter Mondale, until January 20, 1981
- *George H. W. Bush, from January 20, 1981
- President pro tempore: Strom Thurmond
Majority (Republican) leadership
- Majority Leader: Howard Baker
- Majority Whip: Ted Stevens
- Republican Conference Chairman: James A. McClure
- Republican Conference Secretary: Jake Garn
- National Senatorial Committee Chair: Bob Packwood
- Policy Committee Chairman: John Tower
Minority (Democratic) leadership
- Minority Leader: Robert Byrd
- Minority Whip: Alan Cranston
- Democratic Caucus Secretary: Daniel Inouye
- Democratic Campaign Committee Chairman: Wendell Ford
House of Representatives
- Speaker: Tip O'Neill
Majority (Democratic) leadership
- Majority Leader: Jim Wright
- Majority Whip: Tom Foley
- Chief Deputy Majority Whip: William Vollie Alexander Jr.
- Democratic Caucus Chairman: Gillis William Long
- Democratic Caucus Secretary: Geraldine Ferraro
- Democratic Campaign Committee Chairman: Tony Coelho
Minority (Republican) leadership
- Minority Leader: Robert H. Michel
- Minority Whip: Trent Lott
- Chief Deputy Whip: David F. Emery
- Republican Conference Chairman: Jack Kemp
- Republican Conference Vice-Chairman: Jack Edwards
- Republican Conference Secretary: Clair Burgener
- Policy Committee Chairman: Dick Cheney
- Republican Campaign Committee Chairman: Guy Vander Jagt
- Congressional Arts Caucus
- Congressional Black Caucus
- Congressional Friends of Ireland Caucus
- Congressional Hispanic Caucus
- Congressional Travel & Tourism Caucus
- Congresswomen's Caucus
- House Democratic Caucus
- Senate Democratic Caucus
Senators are popularly elected statewide every two years, with one-third beginning new six-year terms with each Congress, In this Congress, Class 1 meant their term ended with this Congress, requiring reelection in 1982; Class 2 meant their term began in the last Congress, requiring reelection in 1984; and Class 3 meant their term began in this Congress, requiring reelection in 1986.[List of [United States Senators from Alabama|Alabama]]
- 2. Howell Heflin
- 3. Jeremiah Denton
Alaska">List of United States Senators from Alaska">Alaska
- 2. Ted Stevens
- 3. Frank Murkowski
Arizona">List of United States Senators from Arizona">Arizona
- 1. Dennis DeConcini
- 3. Barry Goldwater
Arkansas">List of United States Senators from Arkansas">Arkansas
- 2. David Pryor
- 3. Dale Bumpers
California">List of United States Senators from California">California
- 1. S. I. Hayakawa
- 3. Alan Cranston
Colorado">List of United States Senators from Colorado">Colorado
- 2. William L. Armstrong
- 3. Gary Hart
Connecticut">List of United States Senators from Connecticut">Connecticut
- 1. Lowell Weicker
- 3. Chris Dodd
Delaware">List of United States Senators from Delaware">Delaware
- 1. William Roth
- 2. Joe Biden
Florida">List of United States Senators from Florida">Florida
- 1. Lawton Chiles
- 3. Paula Hawkins
Georgia">List of United States Senators from Georgia">Georgia
- 2. Sam Nunn
- 3. Mack Mattingly
Hawaii">List of United States Senators from Hawaii">Hawaii
- 1. Spark Matsunaga
- 3. Daniel Inouye
Idaho">List of United States Senators from Idaho">Idaho
- 2. James A. McClure
- 3. Steve Symms
Illinois">List of United States Senators from Illinois">Illinois
- 2. Charles H. Percy
- 3. Alan J. Dixon
Indiana">List of United States Senators from Indiana">Indiana
- 1. Richard Lugar
- 3. Dan Quayle
Iowa">List of United States Senators from Iowa">Iowa
- 2. Roger Jepsen
- 3. Chuck Grassley
Kansas">List of United States Senators from Kansas">Kansas
- 2. Nancy Kassebaum
- 3. Bob Dole
Kentucky">List of United States Senators from Kentucky">Kentucky
- 2. Walter "Dee" Huddleston
- 3. Wendell Ford
Louisiana">List of United States Senators from Louisiana">Louisiana
- 2. J. Bennett Johnston
- 3. Russell B. Long
Maine">List of United States Senators from Maine">Maine
- 1. George J. Mitchell
- 2. William Cohen
Maryland">List of United States Senators from Maryland">Maryland
- 1. Paul Sarbanes
- 3. Charles Mathias
Massachusetts">List of United States Senators from Massachusetts">Massachusetts
- 1. Ted Kennedy
- 2. Paul Tsongas
Michigan">List of United States Senators from Michigan">Michigan
- 1. Donald Riegle
- 2. Carl Levin
Minnesota">List of United States Senators from Minnesota">Minnesota
- 1. David Durenberger
- 2. Rudy Boschwitz
Mississippi">List of United States Senators from Mississippi">Mississippi
- 1. John C. Stennis
- 2. Thad Cochran
Missouri">List of United States Senators from Missouri">Missouri
- 1. John Danforth
- 3. Thomas Eagleton
Montana">List of United States Senators from Montana">Montana
- 1. John Melcher
- 2. Max Baucus
Nebraska">List of United States Senators from Nebraska">Nebraska
- 1. Edward Zorinsky
- 2. J. James Exon
Nevada">List of United States Senators from Nevada">Nevada
- 1. Howard Cannon
- 3. Paul Laxalt
New Hampshire">List of United States Senators from New Hampshire">New Hampshire
- 2. Gordon J. Humphrey
- 3. Warren Rudman
New Jersey">List of United States Senators from New Jersey">New Jersey
- 1. Harrison A. Williams, until March 11, 1982
- * Nicholas F. Brady, from April 27, 1982, until December 27, 1982
- * Frank Lautenberg, from December 27, 1982
- 2. Bill Bradley
New Mexico">List of United States Senators from New Mexico">New Mexico
- 1. Harrison Schmitt
- 2. Pete Domenici
New York">List of United States Senators from New York">New York
- 1. Daniel Patrick Moynihan
- 3. Al D'Amato
North Carolina">List of United States Senators from North Carolina">North Carolina
- 2. Jesse Helms
- 3. John Porter East
North Dakota">List of United States Senators from North Dakota">North Dakota
- 1. Quentin Burdick
- 3. Mark Andrews
Ohio">List of United States Senators from Ohio">Ohio
- 1. Howard Metzenbaum
- 3. John Glenn
Oklahoma">List of United States Senators from Oklahoma">Oklahoma
- 2. David Boren
- 3. Don Nickles
Oregon">List of United States Senators from Oregon">Oregon
- 2. Mark Hatfield
- 3. Bob Packwood
Pennsylvania">List of United States Senators from Pennsylvania">Pennsylvania
- 1. John Heinz
- 3. Arlen Specter
Rhode Island">List of United States Senators from Rhode Island">Rhode Island
- 1. John Chafee
- 2. Claiborne Pell
South Carolina">List of United States Senators from South Carolina">South Carolina
- 2. Strom Thurmond
- 3. Fritz Hollings
South Dakota">List of United States Senators from South Dakota">South Dakota
- 2. Larry Pressler
- 3. James Abdnor
Tennessee">List of United States Senators from Tennessee">Tennessee
- 1. Jim Sasser
- 2. Howard Baker
Texas">List of United States Senators from Texas">Texas
- 1. Lloyd Bentsen
- 2. John Tower
Utah">List of United States Senators from Utah">Utah
- 1. Orrin Hatch
- 3. Jake Garn
Vermont">List of United States Senators from Vermont">Vermont
- 1. Robert Stafford
- 3. Patrick Leahy
Virginia">List of United States Senators from Virginia">Virginia
- 1. Harry F. Byrd Jr.
- 2. John Warner
Washington">List of United States Senators from Washington">Washington
- 1. Henry M. Jackson
- 3. Slade Gorton
West Virginia">List of United States Senators from West Virginia">West Virginia
- 1. Robert Byrd
- 2. Jennings Randolph
Wisconsin">List of United States Senators from Wisconsin">Wisconsin
- 1. William Proxmire
- 3. Bob Kasten
Wyoming">List of United States Senators from Wyoming">Wyoming
- 1. Malcolm Wallop
- 2. Alan Simpson
House of Representatives
[List of [United States Representatives from Alabama|Alabama]]
- . Jack Edwards
- . William Louis Dickinson
- . Bill Nichols
- . Tom Bevill
- . Ronnie Flippo
- . Albert L. Smith Jr.
- . Richard Shelby
Alaska">List of United States Representatives from Alaska">Alaska
- . Don Young
Arizona">List of United States Representatives from Arizona">Arizona
- . John Jacob Rhodes
- . Mo Udall
- . Bob Stump
- . Eldon Rudd
Arkansas">List of United States Representatives from Arkansas">Arkansas
- . William Vollie Alexander Jr.
- . Ed Bethune
- . John Paul Hammerschmidt
- . Beryl Anthony Jr.
California">List of United States Representatives from California">California
- . Eugene A. Chappie
- . Donald H. Clausen
- . Bob Matsui
- . Vic Fazio
- . John Burton
- . Phillip Burton
- . George Miller
- . Ron Dellums
- . Pete Stark
- . Don Edwards
- . Tom Lantos
- . Pete McCloskey
- . Norman Mineta
- . Norman D. Shumway
- . Tony Coelho
- . Leon Panetta
- . Chip Pashayan
- . Bill Thomas
- . Robert J. Lagomarsino
- . Barry Goldwater Jr.
- . Bobbi Fiedler
- . Carlos Moorhead
- . Anthony Beilenson
- . Henry Waxman
- . Edward R. Roybal
- . John H. Rousselot
- . Bob Dornan
- . Julian Dixon
- . Augustus Hawkins
- . George E. Danielson, until March 9, 1982
- * Matthew G. Martínez, from July 13, 1982
- . Mervyn Dymally
- . Glenn M. Anderson
- . Wayne R. Grisham
- . Dan Lungren
- . David Dreier
- . George Brown Jr.
- . Jerry Lewis
- . Jerry M. Patterson
- . William E. Dannemeyer
- . Robert Badham
- . Bill Lowery
- . Duncan L. Hunter
- . Clair Burgener
Colorado">List of United States Representatives from Colorado">Colorado
- . Pat Schroeder
- . Tim Wirth
- . Ray Kogovsek
- . Hank Brown
- . Ken Kramer
Connecticut">List of United States Representatives from Connecticut">Connecticut
- . William R. Cotter, until September 8, 1981
- * Barbara B. Kennelly, from January 12, 1982
- . Sam Gejdenson
- . Lawrence J. DeNardis
- . Stewart McKinney
- . William R. Ratchford
- . Toby Moffett
Delaware">List of United States Representatives from Delaware">Delaware
- . Thomas B. Evans Jr.
Florida">List of United States Representatives from Florida">Florida
- . Earl Hutto
- . Don Fuqua
- . Charles E. Bennett
- . Bill Chappell
- . Bill McCollum
- . Bill Young
- . Sam Gibbons
- . Andy Ireland
- . Bill Nelson
- . Skip Bafalis
- . Dan Mica
- . Clay Shaw
- . William Lehman
- . Claude Pepper
- . Dante Fascell
Georgia">List of United States Representatives from Georgia">Georgia
- . Ronald 'Bo' Ginn
- . Charles Floyd Hatcher
- . Jack Brinkley
- . Elliott H. Levitas
- . Wyche Fowler
- . Newt Gingrich
- . Larry McDonald
- . Billy Lee Evans
- . Ed Jenkins
- . Doug Barnard Jr.
Hawaii">List of United States Representatives from Hawaii">Hawaii
- . Cecil Heftel
- . Daniel Akaka
Idaho">List of United States Representatives from Idaho">Idaho
- . Larry Craig
- . George V. Hansen
Illinois">List of United States Representatives from Illinois">Illinois
- . Harold Washington
- . Gus Savage
- . Marty Russo
- . Ed Derwinski
- . John G. Fary
- . Henry Hyde
- . Cardiss Collins
- . Dan Rostenkowski
- . Sidney R. Yates
- . John Porter
- . Frank Annunzio
- . Phil Crane
- . Robert McClory
- . John N. Erlenborn
- . Tom Corcoran
- . Lynn Morley Martin
- . George M. O'Brien
- . Robert H. Michel
- . Tom Railsback
- . Paul Findley
- . Edward Rell Madigan
- . Dan Crane
- . Melvin Price
- . Paul Simon
Indiana">List of United States Representatives from Indiana">Indiana
- . Adam Benjamin Jr., until September 7, 1982
- * Katie Hall, from November 2, 1982
- . Floyd Fithian
- . John P. Hiler
- . Dan Coats
- . Elwood Hillis
- . David W. Evans
- . John Myers
- . H. Joel Deckard
- . Lee H. Hamilton
- . Philip Sharp
- . Andrew Jacobs Jr.
Iowa">List of United States Representatives from Iowa">Iowa
- . Jim Leach
- . Tom Tauke
- . T. Cooper Evans
- . Neal Edward Smith
- . Tom Harkin
- . Berkley Bedell
Kansas">List of United States Representatives from Kansas">Kansas
- . Pat Roberts
- . James Edmund Jeffries
- . Larry Winn
- . Dan Glickman
- . Bob Whittaker
Kentucky">List of United States Representatives from Kentucky">Kentucky
- . Carroll Hubbard
- . William Natcher
- . Romano Mazzoli
- . Gene Snyder
- . Hal Rogers
- . Larry J. Hopkins
- . Carl D. Perkins
Louisiana">List of United States Representatives from Louisiana">Louisiana
- . Bob Livingston
- . Lindy Boggs
- . Billy Tauzin
- . Buddy Roemer
- . Jerry Huckaby
- . Henson Moore
- . John Breaux
- . Gillis William Long
Maine">List of United States Representatives from Maine">Maine
- . David F. Emery
- . Olympia Snowe
Maryland">List of United States Representatives from Maryland">Maryland
- . Roy Dyson
- . Clarence Long
- . Barbara Mikulski
- . Marjorie Holt
- . Gladys Spellman, until February 24, 1981
- * Steny Hoyer, from May 19, 1981
- . Beverly Byron
- . Parren Mitchell
- . Michael D. Barnes
Massachusetts">List of United States Representatives from Massachusetts">Massachusetts
- . Silvio O. Conte
- . Edward Boland
- . Joseph D. Early
- . Barney Frank
- . James Shannon
- . Nicholas Mavroules
- . Ed Markey
- . Tip O'Neill
- . Joe Moakley
- . Margaret Heckler
- . Brian J. Donnelly
- . Gerry Studds
Michigan">List of United States Representatives from Michigan">Michigan
- . John Conyers
- . Carl Pursell
- . Howard Wolpe
- . David Stockman, until January 27, 1981
- * Mark D. Siljander, from April 21, 1981
- . Harold S. Sawyer
- . James Whitney Dunn
- . Dale Kildee
- . J. Bob Traxler
- . Guy Vander Jagt
- . Donald J. Albosta
- . Robert William Davis
- . David Bonior
- . George Crockett Jr.
- . Dennis Hertel
- . William D. Ford
- . John Dingell
- . William M. Brodhead
- . James Blanchard
- . William Broomfield
Minnesota">List of United States Representatives from Minnesota">Minnesota
- . Arlen Erdahl
- . Tom Hagedorn
- . Bill Frenzel
- . Bruce Vento
- . Martin Olav Sabo
- . Vin Weber
- . Arlan Stangeland
- . Jim Oberstar
Mississippi">List of United States Representatives from Mississippi">Mississippi
- . Jamie Whitten
- . David R. Bowen
- . Sonny Montgomery
- . Jon Hinson, until April 13, 1981
- * Wayne Dowdy, from July 7, 1981
- . Trent Lott
Missouri">List of United States Representatives from Missouri">Missouri
- . Bill Clay
- . Robert A. Young
- . Dick Gephardt
- . Ike Skelton
- . Richard Walker Bolling
- . Tom Coleman
- . Gene Taylor
- . Wendell Bailey
- . Harold Volkmer
- . Bill Emerson
Montana">List of United States Representatives from Montana">Montana
- . Pat Williams
- . Ron Marlenee
Nebraska">List of United States Representatives from Nebraska">Nebraska
- . Doug Bereuter
- . Hal Daub
- . Virginia D. Smith
Nevada">List of United States Representatives from Nevada">Nevada
- . James David Santini
New Hampshire">List of United States Representatives from New Hampshire">New Hampshire
- . Norman D'Amours
- . Judd Gregg
New Jersey">List of United States Representatives from New Jersey">New Jersey
- . James Florio
- . William J. Hughes
- . James J. Howard
- . Chris Smith
- . Millicent Fenwick
- . Edwin B. Forsythe
- . Marge Roukema
- . Robert A. Roe
- . Harold C. Hollenbeck
- . Peter W. Rodino
- . Joseph Minish
- . Matthew John Rinaldo
- . Jim Courter
- . Frank Joseph Guarini
- . Bernard J. Dwyer
New Mexico">List of United States Representatives from New Mexico">New Mexico
- . Manuel Lujan Jr.
- . Joe Skeen
New York">List of United States Representatives from New York">New York
- . William Carney
- . Thomas Downey
- . Gregory W. Carman
- . Norman F. Lent
- . Raymond J. McGrath
- . John LeBoutillier
- . Joseph P. Addabbo
- . Benjamin Stanley Rosenthal
- . Geraldine Ferraro
- . Mario Biaggi
- . James H. Scheuer
- . Shirley Chisholm
- . Stephen Solarz
- . Fred Richmond, until August 25, 1982
- . Leo C. Zeferetti
- . Chuck Schumer
- . Guy Molinari
- . Bill Green
- . Charles Rangel
- . Theodore S. Weiss
- . Robert Garcia
- . Jonathan Brewster Bingham
- . Peter A. Peyser
- . Richard Ottinger
- . Hamilton Fish IV
- . Benjamin Gilman
- . Matthew F. McHugh
- . Samuel S. Stratton
- . Gerald Solomon
- . David O'Brien Martin
- . Donald J. Mitchell
- . George C. Wortley
- . Gary A. Lee
- . Frank Horton
- . Barber Conable
- . John J. LaFalce
- . Henry J. Nowak
- . Jack Kemp
- . Stan Lundine
North Carolina">List of United States Representatives from North Carolina">North Carolina
- . Walter B. Jones Sr.
- . Lawrence H. Fountain
- . Charles Orville Whitley
- . Ike Franklin Andrews
- . Stephen L. Neal
- . Walter E. Johnston III
- . Charlie Rose
- . Bill Hefner
- . James G. Martin
- . Jim Broyhill
- . Bill Hendon
North Dakota">List of United States Representatives from North Dakota">North Dakota
- . Byron Dorgan
Ohio">List of United States Representatives from Ohio">Ohio
- . Bill Gradison
- . Tom Luken
- . Tony P. Hall
- . Tennyson Guyer, until April 12, 1981
- * Mike Oxley, from June 25, 1981
- . Del Latta
- . Bob McEwen
- . Bud Brown
- . Tom Kindness
- . Ed Weber
- . Clarence E. Miller
- . J. William Stanton
- . Bob Shamansky
- . Donald J. Pease
- . John F. Seiberling
- . Chalmers Wylie
- . Ralph Regula
- . John M. Ashbrook, until April 24, 1982
- * Jean Spencer Ashbrook, from June 29, 1982
- . Douglas Applegate
- . Lyle Williams
- . Mary Rose Oakar
- . Louis Stokes
- . Dennis E. Eckart
- . Ronald M. Mottl
Oklahoma">List of United States Representatives from Oklahoma">Oklahoma
- . James R. Jones
- . Mike Synar
- . Wes Watkins
- . Dave McCurdy
- . Mickey Edwards
- . Glenn English
Oregon">List of United States Representatives from Oregon">Oregon
- . Les AuCoin
- . Denny Smith
- . Ron Wyden
- . Jim Weaver
Pennsylvania">List of United States Representatives from Pennsylvania">Pennsylvania
- . Thomas M. Foglietta
- . William H. Gray III
- . Raymond Lederer, until April 29, 1981
- * Joseph F. Smith, from July 21, 1981
- . Charles F. Dougherty
- . Richard T. Schulze
- . Gus Yatron
- . Robert W. Edgar
- . James K. Coyne III
- . Bud Shuster
- . Joseph M. McDade
- . James Nelligan
- . John Murtha
- . Lawrence Coughlin
- . William J. Coyne
- . Donald L. Ritter
- . Robert Smith Walker
- . Allen E. Ertel
- . Doug Walgren
- . William F. Goodling
- . Joseph M. Gaydos
- . Donald A. Bailey
- . Austin Murphy
- . William F. Clinger Jr.
- . Marc L. Marks
- . Eugene Atkinson, changed to October 14, 1981
Rhode Island">List of United States Representatives from Rhode Island">Rhode Island
- . Fernand St. Germain
- . Claudine Schneider
South Carolina">List of United States Representatives from South Carolina">South Carolina
- . Thomas F. Hartnett
- . Floyd Spence
- . Butler Derrick
- . Carroll A. Campbell Jr.
- . Kenneth Lamar Holland
- . John Light Napier
South Dakota">List of United States Representatives from South Dakota">South Dakota
- . Tom Daschle
- . Clint Roberts
Tennessee">List of United States Representatives from Tennessee">Tennessee
- . Jimmy Quillen
- . John Duncan Sr.
- . Marilyn Lloyd
- . Al Gore
- . Bill Boner
- . Robin Beard
- . Ed Jones
- . Harold Ford Sr.
Texas">List of United States Representatives from Texas">Texas
- . Sam B. Hall Jr.
- . Charlie Wilson
- . James M. Collins
- . Ralph Hall
- . Jim Mattox
- . Phil Gramm
- . Bill Archer
- . Jack Fields
- . Jack Brooks
- . J. J. Pickle
- . Marvin Leath
- . Jim Wright
- . Jack Hightower
- . William Neff Patman
- . Kika de la Garza
- . Richard Crawford White
- . Charles Stenholm
- . Mickey Leland
- . Kent Hance
- . Henry B. González
- . Tom Loeffler
- . Ron Paul
- . Abraham Kazen
- . Martin Frost
Utah">List of United States Representatives from Utah">Utah
- . James V. Hansen
- . David Daniel Marriott
Vermont">List of United States Representatives from Vermont">Vermont
- . Jim Jeffords
Virginia">List of United States Representatives from Virginia">Virginia
- . Paul Trible
- . G. William Whitehurst
- . Thomas J. Bliley Jr.
- . Robert Daniel
- . Dan Daniel
- . M. Caldwell Butler
- . J. Kenneth Robinson
- . Stanford Parris
- . William C. Wampler
- . Frank Wolf
Washington">List of United States Representatives from Washington">Washington
- . Joel Pritchard
- . Al Swift
- . Don Bonker
- . Sid Morrison
- . Tom Foley
- . Norm Dicks
- . Mike Lowry
West Virginia">List of United States Representatives from West Virginia">West Virginia
- . Bob Mollohan
- . Cleve Benedict
- . Mick Staton
- . Nick Rahall
Wisconsin">List of United States Representatives from Wisconsin">Wisconsin
- . Les Aspin
- . Robert Kastenmeier
- . Steve Gunderson
- . Clement J. Zablocki
- . Henry S. Reuss
- . Tom Petri
- . Dave Obey
- . Toby Roth
- . Jim Sensenbrenner
Wyoming">List of United States Representatives from Wyoming">Wyoming
- . Dick Cheney
Non-voting members
- . Fofó Iosefa Fiti Sunia
- . Walter Fauntroy
- . Antonio Borja Won Pat
- . Ron de Lugo
- . Baltasar Corrada del Rio
Changes in membership
There were 2 resignations.House of Representatives
There were 4 deaths, 4 resignations, one declared vacancy, and one party change.Committees
Lists of committees and their party leaders, for members of the committees and their assignments, go into the Official Congressional Directory at the bottom of the article and click on the link, in the directory after the pages of terms of service, you will see the committees of the Senate, House and Joint and after the committee pages, you will see the House/Senate committee assignments in the directory, on the committees section of the House and Senate in the Official Congressional Directory, the committee's members on the first row on the left side shows the chairman of the committee and on the right side shows the ranking member of the committee.Senate
- Aging
- Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
- * Soil and Water Conservation
- * Agricultural Credit and Rural Electrification
- * Agricultural Production, Marketing and Stabilization of Prices
- * Agricultural Research and General Legislation
- * Rural Development, Oversight and Investigations
- * Foreign Agricultural Policy
- * Nutrition
- * Foreign, Water Resources and Environment
- Appropriations
- * Agriculture and Related Agencies
- * Defense
- * District of Columbia
- * Energy and Water Development
- * Foreign Operations
- * HUD-Independent Agencies
- * Interior
- * Labor-Health, Education and Welfare
- * Legislative
- * Military Construction
- * State, Justice, Commerce and Judiciary
- * Transportation
- * Treasury, Postal Service and General Government
- Armed Services
- * Military Construction
- * Tactical Warfare
- * Strategic and Theater Nuclear Forces
- * Preparedness
- * Sea Power and Force Projection
- * Manpower and Personnel
- Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
- * Housing and Urban Affairs
- * Financial Institutions
- * International Finance and Monetary Policy
- * Economic Policy
- * Securities
- * Rural Housing and Development
- * Consumer Affairs
- Budget
- Commerce, Science and Transportation
- * Aviation
- * Business, Trade and Tourism
- * Communications
- * Consumer
- * Merchant Marine
- * Science, Technology and Space
- * Surface Transportation
- Energy and Natural Resources
- * Energy Conservation and Supply
- * Energy Regulation
- * Energy Research and Development
- * Energy and Mineral Resources
- * Water and Power
- * Public Lands and Reserved Water
- Environment and Public Works
- * Environmental Pollution
- * Nuclear Regulation
- * Water Resources
- * Transportation
- * Toxic Substances and Environmental Oversight
- * Regional and Community Development
- Ethics
- Finance
- * Taxation and Debt Management
- * International Trade
- * Savings, Pensions and Investment Policy
- * Economic Growth, Employment and Revenue Sharing
- * Energy and Agricultural Taxation
- * Estate and Gift Taxation
- * Oversight of the Internal Revenue Service
- Foreign Relations
- * International Economic Policy
- * Arms Control, Oceans, International Operations and Environment
- * Western Hemisphere Affairs
- * East Asian and Pacific Affairs
- * European Affairs
- * International Economic Policy
- * African Affairs
- * Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
- * Arms Control, Oceans, International Operations and Environment
- Governmental Affairs
- * Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
- * Intergovernmental Relations
- * Governmental Efficiency and the District of Columbia
- * Energy, Nuclear Proliferation and Federal Services
- * Federal Expenditures, Research and Rules
- * Civil Service, Post Office and General Services
- * Oversight of Government Management
- * Congressional Operations and Oversight
- Indian Affairs
- Judiciary
- * Criminal Law
- * Regulatory Reform
- * Constitution
- * Courts
- * Immigration and Refugee Policy
- * Separation of Powers
- * Agency Administration
- * Security and Terrorism
- * Juvenile Justice
- Intelligence
- Labor and Human Resources
- * Labor
- * Education, Arts and Humanities
- * Employment and Productivity
- * Handicapped
- * Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
- * Aging, Family and Human Services
- * Investigations and General Oversight
- Nutrition and Human Needs
- Rules and Administration
- Small Business
- Capital Formation and Retention
- Government Regulation and Paperwork
- Urban and Rural Economic Development
- Government Procurement
- Productivity and Competition
- Innovation and Technology
- Export Promotion and Market Development
- Advocacy and Future of Small Business
- Veterans' Affairs
- Whole
House of Representatives
- Aging
- Agriculture
- * Cotton, Rice and Sugar
- * Livestock, Dairy and Poultry
- * Tobacco and Peanuts
- * Wheat, Soybeans and Feed Grains
- * Conservation Credit and Rural Development
- * Department Operations Research and Foreign Agriculture
- * Domestic Marketing, Consumer Relations and Nutrition
- * Forests, Family Farms and Energy
- Appropriations
- * Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies
- * Defense
- * District of Columbia
- * Energy and Power
- * Foreign Operations
- * HUD-Independent Agencies
- * Interior
- * Labor-Health and Human Services
- * Legislative
- * Military Construction
- * Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary
- * Transportation
- * Treasury, Postal Service and General Government
- Armed Services
- * Research and Development
- * Seapower, Strategic and Critical Materials
- * Procurement and Military Nuclear Systems
- * Investigations
- * Military Personnel and Compensation
- * Military Installations and Facilities
- * Readiness
- Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs
- * Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Insurance
- * Housing and Community Development
- * General Oversight and Renegotiation
- * Consumer Affairs and Coinage
- * International Development Institutions and Finance
- * Domestic Monetary Policy
- * International Trade, Investment and Monetary Policy
- * Economic Stabilization
- Budget
- District of Columbia
- * Fiscal Affairs and Health
- * Government Operations and Metropolitan Affairs
- * Judiciary and Education
- Education and Labor
- * Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Education
- * Employment Opportunities
- * Labor-Management Relations
- * Health and Safety
- * Human Resources
- * Postsecondary Education
- * Labor Standards
- * Select Education
- Energy and Commerce
- * Oversight and Investigations
- * Energy Conservation and Power
- * Health and the Environment
- * Telecommunications, Consumer Protection and Finance
- * Fossil and Synthetic Fuels
- * Commerce, Transportation and Tourism
- Foreign Affairs
- * International Security and Scientific Affairs
- * International Operations
- * Europe and the Middle East
- * Asian and Pacific Affairs
- * International Economic Policy and Trade
- * Human Rights and International Organizations
- * Africa
- * Inter-American Affairs
- Government Operations
- * Legislation and National Security
- * Ingovernmental Relations and Human Resources
- * Commerce, Consumer and Monetary Affairs
- * Manpower and Housing
- * Government Activities and Transportation
- * Government Information and Individual Rights
- * Environment, Energy and Natural Resources
- House Administration
- * Accounts
- * Contracts and Printing
- * Services
- * Office Systems
- * Personnel and Police
- * Policy Group on Information and Computers
- Insular Affairs
- * Energy and the Environment
- * Water and Power Resources
- * Public Lands and National Lands
- * Insular Affairs
- * Mines and Mining
- * Oversight and Investigations
- Judiciary
- * Immigration, Refugees and International Law
- * Administrative Law and Governmental Relations
- * Courts, Civil Liberties and the Administration of Justice
- * Civil and Constitutional Rights
- * Monopolies and Commercial Law
- * Crime
- * Criminal Justice
- Merchant Marine and Fisheries
- * Merchant Marine
- * Fisheries, Wildlife Conservation and the Environment
- * Coast Guard and Navigation
- * Oceangraphy
- * Panama Canal and Outer Continental Stuff
- Narcotics Abuse and Control
- Post Office and Civil Service
- * Investigations
- * Postal Operations and Services
- * Civil Service
- * Compensation and Employee Benefits
- * Census and Population
- * Postal Personnel and Modernization
- * Human Resources
- Public Works and Transportation
- * Aviation
- * Economic Development
- * Investigations and Oversight
- * Public Buildings and Grounds
- * Surface Transportation
- * Water Resources
- Rules
- * The Legislative Process
- * Rules of the House
- Science and Technology
- * Energy Development and Applications
- * Natural Resources, Agriculture Research and Environment
- * Energy Research and Production
- * Science, Research and Technology
- * Space Science and Applications
- * Transportation, Aviation and Materials
- * Investigations and Oversight
- Small Business
- * SBA and SBIC Authority, Minority Enterprise and General Small Business Problems
- * General Oversight
- * Antitrust and Restraint of Trade Activities affecting Small Business
- * Energy, Environment and Safety Issues affecting Small Business
- * Tax, Access to Equity Capital and Business Opportunities
- * Export Opportunities and Special Small Business Problems
- Standards of Official Conduct
- Veterans' Affairs
- * Oversight and Investigations
- * Hospitals and Health Care
- * Education, Training and Employment
- * Compensation, Pension and Insurance
- * Housing and Memorial Affairs
- Ways and Means
- * Trade
- * Social Security
- * Oversight
- * Select Revenue Measures
- * Public Assistance and Unemployment Compensation
- * Health
- Whole
Joint committees
- Economic
- Taxation
- The Library
- Printing
Legislative branch agency">List of federal agencies in the United States#Legislative branch">Legislative branch agency directors
- Architect of the Capitol: George M. White
- Attending Physician of the United States Congress: Freeman H. Cary
- Comptroller General of the United States: Elmer B. Staats, until March 3, 1981
- * Charles A. Bowsher, starting date unknown in 1981
- Director of the Congressional Budget Office: Alice M. Rivlin
- Librarian of Congress: Daniel J. Boorstin
- Public Printer of the United States: Danford L. Sawyer Jr.
- Chaplain: Edward L.R. Elson, until February 9, 1981
- * Richard C. Halverson, from February 9, 1981
- Curator: James R. Ketchum
- Historian: Richard A. Baker
- Parliamentarian: Robert Dove
- Secretary: William Hildenbrand
- Librarian: Roger K. Haley
- Sergeant at Arms: Howard S. Liebengood
- Secretary for the Majority: Howard O. Greene Jr.
- Secretary for the Minority: Walter J. Stewart, until September 1, 1981
- * Terrence E. Sauvain, from September 1, 1981
House of Representatives
- Chaplain: James D. Ford
- Clerk: Edmund L. Henshaw Jr.
- Doorkeeper: James T. Molloy
- Parliamentarian: William Holmes Brown
- Postmaster: Robert V. Rota
- Reading Clerks: Meg Goetz and Bob Berry
- Sergeant at Arms: Benjamin J. Guthrie