55th United States Congress
The 55th United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, DC from March 4, 1897, to March 4, 1899, during the first two years of William McKinley's presidency. The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the Eleventh Census of the United States in 1890. Both chambers had a Republican majority. There was one African-American member, George Henry White, a Republican from the state of North Carolina.
Major events
- March 4, 1897: William McKinley became President of the United States.
- February 15, 1898: Spanish–American War: USS Maine exploded in Havana harbor.
- December 10, 1898: Treaty of Paris ended Spanish–American War,.
Major legislation
- June 10: War Revenue Act of 1898
- July 24, 1897: Dingley tariff, ch. 11,, increased trade duties for revenue and protection
- April 20, 1898: Teller Resolution,
- April 25, 1898: United States declaration of war upon Spain,
- June 1, 1898: Erdman Act,
- June 13, 1898: War Revenue Act of 1898,
- July 1, 1898: Bankruptcy Act of 1898, ch. 541,, gave companies an option of gaining protection from creditors.
- July 7, 1898: Newlands Resolution, No. 55,, authorized the annexation of the Republic of Hawaii
- March 3, 1899: Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, Ch. 425,, § 9,
Treaties ratified
- February 6, 1899: Treaty of Paris, ending the Spanish–American War. Guam, The Philippines, and Puerto Rico became possessions of the U.S.
Party summary
House of Representatives
- President: Garret Hobart
- President pro tempore: William P. Frye
- Republican Conference Chairman: William B. Allison
- Democratic Caucus Chairman: Arthur Pue Gorman, until 1898
- * David Turpie, afterwards
- Democratic Campaign Committee Chairman: Charles James Faulkner
House of Representatives
- Speaker: Thomas Brackett Reed
- Republican Conference Chairman: Charles H. Grosvenor
- Republican Campaign Committee Chairman: Joseph W. Babcock
- Democratic Caucus Chairman: James D. Richardson
Senators were elected by the state legislatures every two years, with one-third beginning new six-year terms with each Congress. Preceding the names in the list below are Senate class numbers, which indicate the cycle of their election. In this Congress, Class 1 meant their term ended with this Congress, requiring re-election in 1898; Class 2 meant their term began in the last Congress, requiring re-election in 1900; and Class 3 meant their term began in this Congress, requiring re-election in 1902.[List of [United States Senators from Alabama|Alabama]]
- 2. John T. Morgan
- 3. Edmund Pettus
Arkansas">List of United States Senators from Arkansas">Arkansas
- 2. James H. Berry
- 3. James K. Jones
California">List of United States Senators from California">California
- 1. Stephen M. White
- 3. George C. Perkins
Colorado">List of United States Senators from Colorado">Colorado
- 2. Edward O. Wolcott
- 3. Henry M. Teller
Connecticut">List of United States Senators from Connecticut">Connecticut
- 1. Joseph R. Hawley
- 3. Orville H. Platt
Delaware">List of United States Senators from Delaware">Delaware
- 1. George Gray
- 2. Richard R. Kenney
Florida">List of United States Senators from Florida">Florida
- 1. Samuel Pasco
- 3. Stephen R. Mallory, from May 14, 1897
Georgia">List of United States Senators from Georgia">Georgia
- 2. Augustus O. Bacon
- 3. Alexander S. Clay
Idaho">List of United States Senators from Idaho">Idaho
- 2. George L. Shoup
- 3. Henry Heitfeld
Illinois">List of United States Senators from Illinois">Illinois
- 2. Shelby M. Cullom
- 3. William E. Mason
Indiana">List of United States Senators from Indiana">Indiana
- 1. David Turpie
- 3. Charles W. Fairbanks
Iowa">List of United States Senators from Iowa">Iowa
- 2 John H. Gear
- 3. William B. Allison
Kansas">List of United States Senators from Kansas">Kansas
- 2. Lucien Baker
- 3. William A. Harris
Kentucky">List of United States Senators from Kentucky">Kentucky
- 2. William Lindsay
- 3. William J. Deboe
Louisiana">List of United States Senators from Louisiana">Louisiana
- 2. Donelson Caffery
- 3. Samuel D. McEnery
Maine">List of United States Senators from Maine">Maine
- 1. Eugene Hale
- 2. William P. Frye
Maryland">List of United States Senators from Maryland">Maryland
- 1. Arthur Pue Gorman
- 3. George L. Wellington
Massachusetts">List of United States Senators from Massachusetts">Massachusetts
- 1. Henry Cabot Lodge
- 2. George F. Hoar
Michigan">List of United States Senators from Michigan">Michigan
- 1. Julius C. Burrows
- 2. James McMillan
Minnesota">List of United States Senators from Minnesota">Minnesota
- 1. Cushman Davis
- 2. Knute Nelson
Mississippi">List of United States Senators from Mississippi">Mississippi
- 1. James Z. George, until August 14, 1897
- * Hernando D. Money, from October 8, 1897
- 2. Edward C. Walthall, until April 21, 1898
- * William V. Sullivan, from May 31, 1898
Missouri">List of United States Senators from Missouri">Missouri
- 1. Francis M. Cockrell
- 3. George G. Vest
Montana">List of United States Senators from Montana">Montana
- 1. Lee Mantle
- 2. Thomas H. Carter
Nebraska">List of United States Senators from Nebraska">Nebraska
- 1. William V. Allen
- 2. John M. Thurston
Nevada">List of United States Senators from Nevada">Nevada
- 1. William M. Stewart
- 3. John P. Jones
New Hampshire">List of United States Senators from New Hampshire">New Hampshire
- 2. William E. Chandler
- 3. Jacob H. Gallinger
New Jersey">List of United States Senators from New Jersey">New Jersey
- 1. James Smith, Jr.
- 2. William J. Sewell
New York">List of United States Senators from New York">New York
- 1. Edward Murphy, Jr.
- 3. Thomas C. Platt
North Carolina">List of United States Senators from North Carolina">North Carolina
- 2. Marion Butler
- 3. Jeter C. Pritchard
North Dakota">List of United States Senators from North Dakota">North Dakota
- 1. William N. Roach
- 3. Henry C. Hansbrough
Ohio">List of United States Senators from Ohio">Ohio
- 1. John Sherman, until March 4, 1897
- * Mark Hanna, from March 5, 1897
- 3. Joseph B. Foraker
Oregon">List of United States Senators from Oregon">Oregon
- 2. George W. McBride
- 3. Joseph Simon, from October 7, 1898
Pennsylvania">List of United States Senators from Pennsylvania">Pennsylvania
- 1. Matthew S. Quay
- 3. Boies Penrose
Rhode Island">List of United States Senators from Rhode Island">Rhode Island
- 1. Nelson W. Aldrich
- 2. George P. Wetmore
South Carolina">List of United States Senators from South Carolina">South Carolina
- 2. Benjamin R. Tillman
- 3. Joseph H. Earle, until May 20, 1897
- * John L. McLaurin, from June 1, 1897
South Dakota">List of United States Senators from South Dakota">South Dakota
- 2. Richard F. Pettigrew
- 3. James H. Kyle
Tennessee">List of United States Senators from Tennessee">Tennessee
- 1. William B. Bate
- 2. Isham G. Harris, until July 8, 1897
- * Thomas B. Turley, from July 20, 1897
Texas">List of United States Senators from Texas">Texas
- 1. Roger Q. Mills
- 2. Horace Chilton
Utah">List of United States Senators from Utah">Utah
- 1. Frank J. Cannon
- 3. Joseph L. Rawlins
Vermont">List of United States Senators from Vermont">Vermont
- 1. Redfield Proctor
- 3. Justin S. Morrill, until December 28, 1898
- * Jonathan Ross, from January 11, 1899
Virginia">List of United States Senators from Virginia">Virginia
- 1. John W. Daniel
- 2. Thomas S. Martin
Washington">List of United States Senators from Washington">Washington
- 1. John L. Wilson
- 3. George Turner
West Virginia">List of United States Senators from West Virginia">West Virginia
- 1. Charles J. Faulkner
- 2. Stephen B. Elkins
Wisconsin">List of United States Senators from Wisconsin">Wisconsin
- 1. John L. Mitchell
- 3. John C. Spooner
Wyoming">List of United States Senators from Wyoming">Wyoming
- 1. Clarence D. Clark
- 2. Francis E. Warren
House of Representatives
The names of members of the House of Representatives are preceded by their district numbers.[List of [United States Representatives from Alabama|Alabama]]
- . George W. Taylor
- . Jesse F. Stallings
- . Henry D. Clayton
- . Thomas S. Plowman, until February 9, 1898
- * William F. Aldrich, from February 9, 1898
- . Willis Brewer
- . John H. Bankhead
- . Milford W. Howard
- . Joseph Wheeler
- . Oscar Underwood
Arkansas">List of United States Representatives from Arkansas">Arkansas
- . Philip D. McCulloch, Jr.
- . John S. Little
- . Thomas C. McRae
- . William L. Terry
- . Hugh A. Dinsmore
- . Stephen Brundidge, Jr.
California">List of United States Representatives from California">California
- . John A. Barham
- . Marion De Vries
- . Samuel G. Hilborn
- . James G. Maguire
- . Eugene F. Loud
- . Charles A. Barlow
- . Curtis H. Castle
Colorado">List of United States Representatives from Colorado">Colorado
- . John F. Shafroth
- . John C. Bell
Connecticut">List of United States Representatives from Connecticut">Connecticut
- . E. Stevens Henry
- . Nehemiah D. Sperry
- . Charles A. Russell
- . Ebenezer J. Hill
Delaware">List of United States Representatives from Delaware">Delaware
- . L. Irving Handy
Florida">List of United States Representatives from Florida">Florida
- . Stephen M. Sparkman
- . Robert W. Davis
Georgia">List of United States Representatives from Georgia">Georgia
- . Rufus E. Lester
- . James M. Griggs
- . Elijah B. Lewis
- . William C. Adamson
- . Leonidas F. Livingston
- . Charles L. Bartlett
- . John W. Maddox
- . William M. Howard
- . Farish C. Tate
- . William H. Fleming
- . William G. Brantley
Idaho">List of United States Representatives from Idaho">Idaho
- . James Gunn
Illinois">List of United States Representatives from Illinois">Illinois
- . James R. Mann
- . William Lorimer
- . Hugh R. Belknap
- . Daniel W. Mills
- . George E. White
- . Edward D. Cooke, until June 24, 1897
- * Henry S. Boutell, from November 23, 1897
- . George E. Foss
- . Albert J. Hopkins
- . Robert R. Hitt
- . George W. Prince
- . Walter Reeves
- . Joseph G. Cannon
- . Vespasian Warner
- . Joseph V. Graff
- . Benjamin F. Marsh
- . William H. Hinrichsen
- . James A. Connolly
- . Thomas M. Jett
- . Andrew J. Hunter
- . James R. Campbell
- . Jehu Baker
- . George Washington Smith
Indiana">List of United States Representatives from Indiana">Indiana
- . James A. Hemenway
- . Robert W. Miers
- . William T. Zenor
- . William S. Holman, until April 22, 1897
- * Francis M. Griffith, from December 6, 1897
- . George W. Faris
- . Henry U. Johnson
- . Jesse Overstreet
- . Charles L. Henry
- . Charles B. Landis
- . Edgar D. Crumpacker
- . George W. Steele
- . James M. Robinson
- . Lemuel W. Royse
Iowa">List of United States Representatives from Iowa">Iowa
- . Samuel M. Clark
- . George M. Curtis
- . David B. Henderson
- . Thomas Updegraff
- . Robert G. Cousins
- . John F. Lacey
- . John A. T. Hull
- . William P. Hepburn
- . Alva L. Hager
- . Jonathan P. Dolliver
- . George D. Perkins
Kansas">List of United States Representatives from Kansas">Kansas
- . Case Broderick
- . Mason S. Peters
- . Edwin R. Ridgely
- . Charles Curtis
- . William D. Vincent
- . Nelson B. McCormick
- . Jerry Simpson
- . Jeremiah D. Botkin
Kentucky">List of United States Representatives from Kentucky">Kentucky
- . Charles K. Wheeler
- . John D. Clardy
- . John S. Rhea
- . David H. Smith
- . Walter Evans
- . Albert S. Berry
- . Evan E. Settle
- . George M. Davison
- . Samuel J. Pugh
- . Thomas Y. Fitzpatrick
- . David G. Colson
Louisiana">List of United States Representatives from Louisiana">Louisiana
- . Adolph Meyer
- . Robert C. Davey
- . Robert F. Broussard
- . Henry W. Ogden
- . Samuel T. Baird
- . Samuel M. Robertson
Maine">List of United States Representatives from Maine">Maine
- . Thomas B. Reed
- . Nelson Dingley, Jr., until January 13, 1899
- . Seth L. Milliken, until April 18, 1897
- * Edwin C. Burleigh, from June 21, 1897
- . Charles A. Boutelle
Maryland">List of United States Representatives from Maryland">Maryland
- . Isaac A. Barber
- . William B. Baker
- . William S. Booze
- . William W. McIntire
- . Sydney E. Mudd
- . John McDonald
Massachusetts">List of United States Representatives from Massachusetts">Massachusetts
- . Ashley B. Wright, until August 14, 1897
- * George P. Lawrence, from November 2, 1897
- . Frederick H. Gillett
- . Joseph H. Walker
- . George W. Weymouth
- . William S. Knox
- . William H. Moody
- . William E. Barrett
- . Samuel W. McCall
- . John F. Fitzgerald
- . Samuel J. Barrows
- . Charles F. Sprague
- . William C. Lovering
- . John Simpkins, until March 27, 1898
- * William S. Greene, from May 31, 1898
Michigan">List of United States Representatives from Michigan">Michigan
- . John B. Corliss
- . George Spalding
- . Albert M. Todd
- . Edward L. Hamilton
- . William Alden Smith
- . Samuel W. Smith
- . Horace G. Snover
- . Ferdinand Brucker
- . Roswell P. Bishop
- . Rousseau O. Crump
- . William S. Mesick
- . Carlos D. Shelden
Minnesota">List of United States Representatives from Minnesota">Minnesota
- . James A. Tawney
- . James T. McCleary
- . Joel P. Heatwole
- . Frederick C. Stevens
- . Loren Fletcher
- . R. Page W. Morris
- . Frank M. Eddy
Mississippi">List of United States Representatives from Mississippi">Mississippi
- . John M. Allen
- . William V. Sullivan, until May 31, 1898
- * Thomas Spight, from July 5, 1898
- . Thomas C. Catchings
- . Andrew F. Fox
- . John Sharp Williams
- . William F. Love, until October 16, 1898
- * Frank A. McLain, from December 12, 1898
- . Patrick Henry
Missouri">List of United States Representatives from Missouri">Missouri
- . James T. Lloyd, from June 1, 1897
- . Robert N. Bodine
- . Alexander M. Dockery
- . Charles F. Cochran
- . William S. Cowherd
- . David A. De Armond
- . James Cooney
- . Richard P. Bland
- . James Beauchamp Clark
- . Richard Bartholdt
- . Charles F. Joy
- . Charles E. Pearce
- . Edward Robb
- . Willard D. Vandiver
- . Maecenas E. Benton
Montana">List of United States Representatives from Montana">Montana
- . Charles S. Hartman
Nebraska">List of United States Representatives from Nebraska">Nebraska
- . Jesse B. Strode
- . David H. Mercer
- . Samuel Maxwell
- . William L. Stark
- . Roderick D. Sutherland
- . William L. Greene
Nevada">List of United States Representatives from Nevada">Nevada
- . Francis G. Newlands
New Hampshire">List of United States Representatives from New Hampshire">New Hampshire
- . Cyrus A. Sulloway
- . Frank G. Clarke
New Jersey">List of United States Representatives from New Jersey">New Jersey
- . Henry C. Loudenslager
- . John J. Gardner
- . Benjamin F. Howell
- . Mahlon Pitney, until January 10, 1899
- . James F. Stewart
- . Richard Wayne Parker
- . Thomas McEwan, Jr.
- . Charles N. Fowler
New York">List of United States Representatives from New York">New York
- . Joseph M. Belford
- . Denis M. Hurley, until February 26, 1899
- . Francis H. Wilson, until September 30, 1897
- * Edmund H. Driggs, from December 6, 1897
- . Israel F. Fischer
- . Charles G. Bennett
- . James R. Howe
- . John H. G. Vehslage
- . John M. Mitchell
- . Thomas J. Bradley
- . Amos J. Cummings
- . William Sulzer
- . George B. McClellan Jr.
- . Richard C. Shannon
- . Lemuel E. Quigg
- . Philip B. Low
- . William L. Ward
- . Benjamin Odell
- . John H. Ketcham
- . Aaron V. S. Cochrane
- . George N. Southwick
- . David F. Wilber
- . Lucius N. Littauer
- . Wallace T. Foote Jr.
- . Charles A. Chickering
- . James S. Sherman
- . George W. Ray
- . James J. Belden
- . Sereno E. Payne
- . Charles W. Gillet
- . James Wolcott Wadsworth
- . Henry C. Brewster
- . Rowland B. Mahany
- . De Alva S. Alexander
- . Warren B. Hooker, until November 10, 1898
North Carolina">List of United States Representatives from North Carolina">North Carolina
- . Harry Skinner
- . George H. White
- . John E. Fowler
- . William F. Strowd
- . William W. Kitchin
- . Charles H. Martin
- . Alonzo C. Shuford
- . Romulus Z. Linney
- . Richmond Pearson
North Dakota">List of United States Representatives from North Dakota">North Dakota
- . Martin N. Johnson
Ohio">List of United States Representatives from Ohio">Ohio
- . William B. Shattuc
- . Jacob H. Bromwell
- . John L. Brenner
- . George A. Marshall
- . David Meekison
- . Seth W. Brown
- . Walter L. Weaver
- . Archibald Lybrand
- . James H. Southard
- . Lucien J. Fenton
- . Charles H. Grosvenor
- . John J. Lentz
- . James A. Norton
- . Winfield S. Kerr
- . Henry C. Van Voorhis
- . Lorenzo Danford
- . John A. McDowell
- . Robert W. Tayler
- . Stephen A. Northway, until September 8, 1898
- * Charles W. F. Dick, from November 8, 1898
- . Clifton B. Beach
- . Theodore E. Burton
Oregon">List of United States Representatives from Oregon">Oregon
- . Thomas H. Tongue
- . William R. Ellis
Pennsylvania">List of United States Representatives from Pennsylvania">Pennsylvania
- . Henry H. Bingham
- . Robert Adams, Jr.
- . William McAleer
- . James R. Young
- . Alfred C. Harmer
- . Thomas S. Butler
- . Irving P. Wanger
- . William S. Kirkpatrick
- . Daniel Ermentrout
- . Marriott Brosius
- . William Connell
- . Morgan B. Williams
- . Charles N. Brumm
- . Marlin E. Olmsted
- . James H. Codding
- . Horace B. Packer
- . Monroe H. Kulp
- . Thaddeus M. Mahon
- . George J. Benner
- . Josiah D. Hicks
- . Edward E. Robbins
- . John Dalzell
- . William A. Stone, until November 9, 1898
- * William H. Graham, from November 29, 1898
- . Ernest F. Acheson
- . Joseph B. Showalter, from April 20, 1897
- . John C. Sturtevant
- . Charles W. Stone
- . William C. Arnold
- . Samuel A. Davenport
- . Galusha A. Grow
Rhode Island">List of United States Representatives from Rhode Island">Rhode Island
- . Melville Bull
- . Adin B. Capron
South Carolina">List of United States Representatives from South Carolina">South Carolina
- . William Elliott
- . William J. Talbert
- . Asbury C. Latimer
- . Stanyarne Wilson
- . Thomas J. Strait
- . John L. McLaurin, until May 31, 1897
- * James Norton, from December 6, 1897
- . J. William Stokes
South Dakota">List of United States Representatives from South Dakota">South Dakota
- . John E. Kelley
- . Freeman Knowles
Tennessee">List of United States Representatives from Tennessee">Tennessee
- . Walter P. Brownlow
- . Henry R. Gibson
- . John A. Moon
- . Benton McMillin, until January 6, 1899
- . James D. Richardson
- . John W. Gaines
- . Nicholas N. Cox
- . Thetus W. Sims
- . Rice A. Pierce
- . Edward W. Carmack
Texas">List of United States Representatives from Texas">Texas
- . Thomas H. Ball
- . Samuel B. Cooper
- . Reese C. De Graffenreid
- . John W. Cranford, until March 3, 1899
- . Joseph W. Bailey
- . Robert E. Burke
- . Robert L. Henry
- . Samuel W. T. Lanham
- . Joseph D. Sayers, until January 16, 1899
- . Robert B. Hawley
- . Rudolph Kleberg
- . James L. Slayden
- . John H. Stephens
Utah">List of United States Representatives from Utah">Utah
- . William H. King
Vermont">List of United States Representatives from Vermont">Vermont
- . H. Henry Powers
- . William W. Grout
Virginia">List of United States Representatives from Virginia">Virginia
- . William A. Jones
- . William A. Young, until April 26, 1898
- * Richard A. Wise, from April 26, 1898
- . John Lamb
- . Sydney P. Epes, until March 23, 1898
- * Robert T. Thorp, from March 23, 1898
- . Claude A. Swanson
- . Peter J. Otey
- . James Hay
- . John F. Rixey
- . James A. Walker
- . Jacob Yost
Washington">List of United States Representatives from Washington">Washington
- . William C. Jones
- . James Hamilton Lewis
West Virginia">List of United States Representatives from West Virginia">West Virginia
- . Blackburn B. Dovener
- . Alston G. Dayton
- . Charles P. Dorr
- . Warren Miller
Wisconsin">List of United States Representatives from Wisconsin">Wisconsin
- . Henry Allen Cooper
- . Edward Sauerhering
- . Joseph W. Babcock
- . Theobald Otjen
- . Samuel S. Barney
- . James H. Davidson
- . Michael Griffin
- . Edward S. Minor
- . Alexander Stewart
- . John J. Jenkins
Wyoming">List of United States Representatives from Wyoming">Wyoming
- . John E. Osborne
Non-voting members
- . Marcus A. Smith
- . Harvey B. Fergusson
- . James Y. Callahan
Changes in membership
The count below reflects changes from the beginning of the first session of this Congress.Senate
- replacements: 5
- * Democratic: no net change
- * Republican: no net change
- deaths: 5
- resignations: 0
- Total seats with changes: 8
State | Vacator | Reason for vacancy | Subsequent | Date of successor's installation |
Ohio | John Sherman | Resigned March 4, 1897 to become U.S. Secretary of State. Elected to fill remainder of term. | Mark Hanna | March 5, 1897 |
Florida | Vacant | Failure to elect. Successor elected May 14, 1897. | Stephen R. Mallory | May 15, 1897 |
Oregon | Vacant | Failure to elect. Successor elected May 15, 1897. | Joseph Simon | May 15, 1897 |
South Carolina | Joseph H. Earle | Died May 20, 1897. Successor was appointed and subsequently elected. | John L. McLaurin | June 1, 1897 |
Tennessee | Isham G. Harris | Died July 8, 1897. Successor was appointed and subsequently elected. | Thomas B. Turley | July 20, 1897 |
Mississippi | James Z. George | Died August 14, 1897. Successor was appointed and subsequently elected. | Hernando Money | October 8, 1897 |
Mississippi | Edward C. Walthall | Died April 21, 1898. Successor was appointed and subsequently elected. | William V. Sullivan | May 31, 1898 |
Vermont | Justin S. Morrill | Died December 28, 1898. Successor was appointed. | Jonathan Ross | January 11, 1899 |
House of Representatives
- replacements: 14
- * Democratic: 1 seat net loss
- * Republican: 1 seat net gain
- deaths: 10
- resignations: 9
- contested election: 3
- Total seats with changes: 23
- Additional Accommodations for the Library of Congress
- Agriculture and Forestry
- Appropriations
- Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate
- Canadian Relations
- Census
- Civil Service and Retrenchment
- Claims
- Coast Defenses
- Commerce
- Corporations Organized in the District of Columbia
- Distributing Public Revenue Among the States
- District of Columbia
- Education and Labor
- Engrossed Bills
- Enrolled Bills
- Establish a University in the United States
- Examine the Several Branches in the Civil Service
- Finance
- Fisheries
- Five Civilized Tribes of Indians
- Foreign Relations
- Forest Reservations and the Protection of Game
- Geological Survey
- Immigration
- Indian Affairs
- Indian Depredations
- International Expositions
- Interstate Commerce
- Irrigation and Reclamation of Arid Lands
- Judiciary
- Library
- Manufactures
- Military Affairs
- Mines and Mining
- Mississippi River and its Tributaries
- National Banks
- Naval Affairs
- Nicaragua Canal
- Omaha Exposition
- Pacific Railroads
- Patents
- Pensions
- Post Office and Post Roads
- Potomac River Front
- Printing
- Private Land Claims
- Privileges and Elections
- Public Buildings and Grounds
- Public Health and National Quarantine
- Public Lands
- Railroads
- Revision of the Laws
- Revolutionary Claims
- Rules
- Tariff Regulation
- Territories
- Transportation and Sale of Meat Products
- Transportation Routes to the Seaboard
- Trespassers upon Indian Lands
- Washington City Centennial
- Whole
- Woman Suffrage
House of Representatives
- Accounts
- Agriculture
- Alcoholic Liquor Traffic
- Appropriations
- Banking and Currency
- Claims
- Coinage, Weights and Measures
- Disposition of Executive Papers
- District of Columbia
- Education
- Election of the President, Vice President and Representatives in Congress
- Elections No.#1
- Elections No.#2
- Elections No.#3
- Enrolled Bills
- Expenditures in the Agriculture Department
- Expenditures in the Interior Department
- Expenditures in the Justice Department
- Expenditures in the Navy Department
- Expenditures in the Post Office Department
- Expenditures in the State Department
- Expenditures in the Treasury Department
- Expenditures in the War Department
- Expenditures on Public Buildings
- Foreign Affairs
- Immigration and Naturalization
- Indian Affairs
- Interstate and Foreign Commerce
- Invalid Pensions
- Irrigation of Arid Lands
- Judiciary
- Labor
- Levees and Improvements of the Mississippi River
- Manufactures
- Merchant Marine and Fisheries
- Mileage
- Military Affairs
- Militia
- Mines and Mining
- Naval Affairs
- Pacific Railroads
- Patents
- Pensions
- Post Office and Post Roads
- Public Buildings and Grounds
- Public Lands
- Railways and Canals
- Reform in the Civil Service
- Revision of Laws
- Rivers and Harbors
- Rules
- Standards of Official Conduct
- Territories
- Ventilation and Acoustics
- War Claims
- Ways and Means
- Whole
Joint committees
- Alcohol in the Arts
- Conditions of Indian Tribes
- Disposition of Executive Papers
- Enrolled Bills
- Investigate Charities and Reformatory Institutions in the District of Columbia
- The Library
- Printing
- Democratic
- Democratic
Legislative branch agency">List of federal agencies in the United States#Legislative branch">Legislative branch agency directors
- Architect of the Capitol: Edward Clark
- Librarian of Congress: Ainsworth Rand Spofford, until 1897
- * John Russell Young, from 1897
- Public Printer of the United States: Thomas E. Benedict, until 1897
- * Francis W. Palmer, from 1897
- Secretary: William Ruffin Cox
- Sergeant at Arms: Richard J. Bright
- Librarian: Alonzo M. Church
- Chaplain: William H. Millburn Methodist
House of Representatives
- Clerk: Alexander McDowell
- Sergeant at Arms: Benjamin F. Russell
- Doorkeeper: William J. Glenn
- Postmaster: Joseph C. McElroy
- Clerk at the Speaker’s Table: Asher C. Hinds
- Reading Clerks: E.L. Sampson and Dennis E. Alward
- Chaplain: Henry N. Couden Universalist