34 (number)

34 is the natural number following 33 and preceding 35.

In mathematics

34 is the ninth distinct semiprime and has four divisors including one and itself. Its neighbors, 33 and 35, also are distinct semiprimes, having four divisors each, and 34 is the smallest number to be surrounded by numbers with the same number of divisors as it has.
It is the ninth Fibonacci number and a companion Pell number. Since it is an odd-indexed Fibonacci number, 34 is a Markov number, appearing in solutions with other Fibonacci numbers, such as,, etc.
This number is the magic constant of a 4 by 4 normal magic square:
Thirty-four is a heptagonal number.
There is no solution to the equation φ = 34, making 34 a nontotient. Nor is there a solution to the equation x − φ = 34, making 34 a noncototient.

In science

34 is also: