3096 Days

3096 Days is a 2013 German drama film directed by Sherry Hormann. The film is based on the true story of Natascha Kampusch, a 10-year-old girl and her eight-year ordeal being kidnapped by Wolfgang Přiklopil. Northern Irish actress Antonia Campbell-Hughes portrays Kampusch, while Thure Lindhardt plays Přiklopil.
The film was writer Bernd Eichinger's last film before his sudden death, and Martin Moskowicz, head of TV and Film at Constantin Film, and Ruth Toma took over.


The 10-year-old Natascha Kampusch is kidnapped by Wolfgang Přiklopil and spends 8 years in captivity in a small room until she manages to escape.


In late 2012, concerns arose about Campbell-Hughes' drastic weight loss for the film, but she stated in an interview in the Evening Standard that she wanted "to suffer as much as she - Kampusch - did". She also noted that she has received a torn Achilles tendon, a broken toe, a fractured rib, and various cuts and bruises, due to the film set being similar to the dungeon in which Kampusch was placed.