20th Gemini Awards

The 20th Gemini Awards were held on November 19, 2005 to honour achievements in Canadian television. For the first time in its history the Gemini Awards were not broadcast on CBC Television, instead they were broadcast on Global.


Best Comedy Program or Series

Rick Green, Ron Pardo, Janet Van de Graaff, Bob Bainborough, Teresa Pavlinek
Gord Robertson, James Rankin, Bob Martin, Dan Redican, Bruce Hunter
Martin Huisman, Louis-Philipe Dandenault, Richard Jutras, Annie Bovaird, Paula Boudreau, Al Goulem, Tracey Hoyt, Kate Greenhouse, Ryan Tilson, Christian Potenza, Cas Anvar, Victor Chowdury, Dean McDermott, Swikriti Sarkar
Shaun Majumder, Cathy Jones, Mark Critch, Gavin Crawford
Barrie Dunn, Shelley Thompson, Pat Roach, Garry James, Tyrone Parsons, Jonathan Torrens, Jeanna Harrison-Steinhart, John Paul Tremblay, Sarah Dunsworth, Lucy Decoutere, Cory Bowles, John Dunsworth, Mike Smith, Robb Wells, Michael Jackson

Best Performance by an Actor in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role