2018 British Columbia wildfires

By the end of June, 2018, there had been more than 560 wildfires in British Columbia.
The Comstock Lake fire was discovered on June 21, and was caused by lightning. By July 6, it had grown to and was not fully contained. At one point over 200 personnel were fighting the fire complex.
The Tugwell Creek fire near Sooke grew to, 10% contained by July 4. The fire threatened millions of honeybees at Tugwell Creek Honey Farm and Meadery. It was reported as fully contained on July 9.
The Shovel Fire, started on July 27, has burned so far, and was still active as of August 20. Thick smoke harmed efforts to contain the fire.
A human-caused fire at Nanaimo Lakes, discovered on July 1, reached 14.5 hectares by July 4.
A total of 2,092 wildfires have burned of land in 2018 as of November 9.
As of August 28, initial estimates put 2018 as the largest burn-area in a British Columbia wildfire season, surpassing the historic 2017 wildfire season.
RankingFireSizeDate discoveredStatusRef
1Tweedsmuir Complex fireAugust 8Out
2Johnny Creek FireAugust 4Out
3Alkali Lake Complex fireAugust 1Out
4Lutz Creek Complex fireAugust 4Out
5Shovel Lake fireJuly 27Out
6Nadina Lake fireJuly 31Out
7Verdun Mountain fireJuly 31Out
8Silver Lake fireAugust 5Out
9Tommy LakesMay 22Out
10Island Lake fireAugust 1Out
11Chutanli Lake fireAugust 1Out


Wildfires caused severe smoke to cover much of British Columbia. It has impacted tourism and cancelled flights.
The smoke spread across Canada and as far as Ireland. In Prince George, British Columbia smoke orange sky at 8:40 AM, and 9:10 AM turns into midnight from wildfires. Then 3 PM in Grand Prairie, Alberta thick layered smoke plume generated by the fire which turned day into night during the afternoon of that day at the location.