1976 Copa Perú

The 1976 Copa Perú season, the promotion tournament of Peruvian football.
In this tournament after many qualification rounds, each one of the 24 departments in which Peru is politically divided, qualify a team. Those teams plus de team relegated from First Division on the last year, enter in two more rounds and finally 6 of them qualify for the Final round, staged in Lima.
The champion was promoted to 1977 Torneo Descentralizado.

Finalists teams

The following list shows the teams that qualified for the Final Stage.
AncashSport AncashHuaraz
ApurímacMiguel GrauAbancay
ArequipaPesca PerúMollendo
HuánucoSanta RosaHuánuco
LambayequeBoca JuniorsFerreñafe
TacnaCoronel BolognesiTacna

Final stage

Final group stage