1927 Canterbury by-election

The Canterbury by-election, 1927 was a parliamentary by-election for the British House of Commons constituency of Canterbury, Kent on 24 November 1927.


The by-election was caused by the elevation to the peerage of the sitting Unionist MP, Rt Hon. Ronald McNeill on 4 November 1927. He had been MP here since winning the seat at its creation in 1918.

Election history

From its first election in 1918 onwards, Canterbury was a safe Unionist seat. The result at the last General Election was


On 15 November 1927 the local Labour Party met and decided not to run a candidate.


Polling Day was set for 24 November 1927, just 20 days after the announcement of the vacancy, allowing for virtually no campaign.
Agricultural issues dominated the election.
Liberal Leader David Lloyd George visited Canterbury to speak in support of the Liberal candidate.
On 19 November 1927 voters polled in the 1927 Southend by-election which saw the Unionists hold the seat with a swing to the Liberals of less than 5%.
At an eve of poll Unionist meeting the former Canterbury MP Lord Cushendun criticised "Ignorant Liberal Bleatings".


Despite a swing of 13% to the Liberals, Wayland was able to hang onto the seat with some ease.


The Labour Party intervened in the next contest and enabled the Unionists to increase their majority. The result at the following General Election;