18 Greatest Hits (2 Plus 1 album)
18 Greatest Hits is a compilation album by Polish group 2 Plus 1, released in 1991 by Sonic Records. It was 2 Plus 1's first album released directly on CD, and their last authorised release in the original line-up, before Janusz Kruk's death in 1992. Branded as a greatest hits album, the CD featured majority of the band's most notable hits, although ignored their English-language material. The album was re-released as 21 Greatest Hits five years later with slightly altered track listing, and the original 1991 issue is now a rare collectors' item.- "Chodź, pomaluj mój świat"
- "Czerwone słoneczko"
- "Wstawaj, szkoda dnia"
- "Na luzie"
- "Wyspa dzieci"
- "Windą do nieba"
- "California mon amour"
- "Taksówka nr 5"
- "Z popiołu i wosku"
- "Iść w stronę słońca"
- "Obłędu chcę"
- "Kalkuta nocą"
- "Nic nie boli"
- "Requiem "
- "Superszczur"
- "XXI wiek"
- "Gdy grali dla nas Rolling Stones"
- "Wielki mały człowiek"