1729 English cricket season

The 1729 English cricket season was the 33rd cricket season since the earliest recorded eleven-aside match was played. Details have survived of six matches, the earliest known innings victory is believed to have happened and the earliest known surviving cricket bat dates from the season.

Recorded matches

Records of the following matches exist:
In several sources, a Gentlemen of Middlesex v Gentlemen of London match is listed as due to take place in Islington on 5 August 1728. Research suggests that this match may have been played in 1729.

Other events

A bat which belonged to John Chitty of Knaphill in Surrey which is dated 1729 is the oldest known cricket bat. It is on display in the Pavilion at The Oval.
Samuel Johnson attended the University of Oxford from October 1728 until the following summer and later told James Boswell that cricket matches were played there. Boswell mentioned this in his Life of Samuel Johnson.
A local game in Gloucester on Monday, 22 September is the earliest known reference to cricket in Gloucestershire.

First mentions

Clubs and teams