1697 in science
The year 1697 in science and technology involved some significant events.Technology
- Peter the Great, Tsar of Russia, studies shipbuilding and other technologies in Holland.
- January – Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle becomes perpetual secretary of the French Academy of Sciences, in succession to Jean-Baptiste du Hamel.
- First known publication of English physician Richard Boulton, A Treatise of the Reason of Muscular Motion.
- William Dampier publishes A New Voyage Round the World in London.
- February 24 – Bernhard Siegfried Weiss, later known as Albinus, German-born Dutch anatomist
- February 5 – William Smellie, Scottish obstetrician
- September 23 – Andrew Plummer, Scottish physician and chemist
- January 26 – Georg Mohr, Danish mathematician
- March 1 – Francesco Redi, Tuscan physician and biologist
- Late October – Constantijn Huygens, Dutch statesman and telescope maker
- December 9 – Scipion Abeille, French surgeon and poet
- Probable year – Gilbert Clerke, English mathematician, natural philosopher and theologian
- Ann Baynard, English natural philosopher