1554 in science
The year 1554 CE in science and technology included a number of events, some of which are listed here.Astronomy
- Flemish astronomer Johannes Stadius' first published work, Ephemerides novae at auctae, appears in Cologne
- Bolognese naturalist Ulisse Aldrovandi creates a herbarium.
- Flemish herbalist Rembert Dodoens publishes his herbal Cruydt-Boeck in Antwerp.
- The guinea pig is first described in the West by Swiss naturalist Conrad Gessner.
- French physician Guillaume Rondelet begins publication of Libri de piscibus marinis in Lyon, a standard work on marine zoology.
- Hippolito Salviani begins publication of Aquatilium animalium historiae in Rome, a foundation of modern ichthyology.
- French anatomist Charles Estienne publishes a collection of tracts on agriculture, Praedium Rusticum.
- November – English captain John Lok voyages to Guinea.
- French Franciscan voyager André Thévet publishes his account of an embassy to Constantinople in .
- Spanish merchant Bartolomé de Medina introduces the patio process, using mercury amalgamation to extract silver from ore, in Pachuca, New Spain.
- Venetian mathematician Giambattista Benedetti publishes two editions of Demonstratio proportionum motuum localium, developing his new doctrine of the speed of bodies in free fall.
- Completion of the Church of Sant'Andrea in Via Flaminia, Rome, designed by Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola, the first church of the Italian Renaissance to have an elliptical dome.
- 22 March - Catherine de Parthenay, French noblewoman and mathematician
- November – Jakob Christmann, German orientalist and astronomer
- Probable date
- * James Lancaster, English navigator
- * Walter Ralegh, English explorer
- February 21 – Hieronymus Bock, German botanist
- September 22 – Francisco Vásquez de Coronado, Spanish conquistador
- Tan Yunxian, Chinese physician
- unknown date – Sir Hugh Willoughby, English explorer