1532 in science
The year 1532 in science and technology included a number of events, some of which are listed here.Astronomy
- Petrus Apianus publishes at Ingolstadt Ein Bericht der Kurtzer Observation unnd urtels des Jűngst erschinnen Cometen and Quadrans astronomicus Apiani.
- Otto Brunfels publishes a book of herbs.
- Sugar cane first cultivated in Brazil.
- Gherardo Cibo begins his herbarium, the oldest still surviving.
- Jacob Ziegler publishes his principal geographical treatise, Quae intus continentur Syria, Palestina, Arabia, Aegyptus, Schondia, Holmiae... at Strasbourg.
- John Hawkins, English navigator
- Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, Spanish explorer and scientist
- Diego de Ordaz, Spanish explorer