
.il is the Internet country code top-level domain of Israel. It is administered by the Israel Internet Association and managed by , which hosts the DNS Root Server and manages the Israeli Internet Exchange, that supports IPv4 and IPv6.
The .il top-level domain is one of the earliest registered ccTLDs. When Israel registered it, on 24 October 1985, it was the third registration of any ccTLD, after.us and.uk, which were registered earlier that year.
As of 10 June 2014 there are 227,066 domain names registered under the.il ccTLD in Israel.
On 19 May 2020, ICANN approved the use of the ‎ domain, that was proposed in 2012.

Second-level domains

There are eight Second Level Domains:
Registration of other second-level domain names directly under.il is not supported.
Hebrew third level domains such as are available since 2010.