Ōsama Game

Ōsama Game is a cell phone novel written by :ja:金沢伸明|Nobuaki Kanazawa, consisting of five volumes. A film based on the novel was released in 2011, and directed by Norio Tsuruta. The theme song of the film is "Amazuppai Haru ni Sakura Saku" by Berryz Kobo and Cute. An anime based on the novel titled King's Game The Animation was also released in 2017 and directed by Noriyoshi Sasaki.


Ōsama Game
On October 19, a class of 32 students receive a message from a mysterious sender called "King" at midnight, giving them a set of rules and an order.
Ōsama Game: Extreme
Being the only survivor of the Ōsama Game and having chosen to continue the game, Nobuaki transfers to a new school, thus starting the tragedy once more.
Ōsama Game: Spiral
Set before the events of Extreme, it is about Natsuko's Ōsama Game before she transferred.
Ōsama Game: Origin

Thirty years ago, It was a day like any other in Kazunari's small village when the notes outlining the "Ōsama Game" arrived. The villagers received orders, which became more gruesome by the day, and those who failed to comply died, like clockwork. Growing desperation raises suspicions among the villagers regarding the King's identity and police converge on the town as its body count continues to rise.
Ōsama Game: Annihilation
All high school students in Japan must participate in the game.
Ōsama Game: Abyss
32 students from Japan, Korea, and Taiwan are gathered in an island in Taiwan. Then, a new command from the King was given.


  1. All students in the class shall participate.
  2. After receiving an order from the King, the order must be completed within 24 hours.
  3. People who do not complete their order shall be punished.
  4. Withdrawing from the game midway is not allowed.


'Ōsama Game'
1st Order: Male student Seat No.4 Inoue Hirofumi, Female student Seat No.19 Nakao Minako. These two people must kiss.
2nd Order: Male student Seat No.18 Toyoda Hideki, Female student Seat No.5 Imoto Yuuko. Toyoda Hideki must lick Imoto Yuuko's foot.
3rd Order: Male student Seat No.18 Toyoda Hideki, Female student Seat No.3 Ishii Satomi. Toyoda Hideki must touch Ishii Satomi's breasts.
4th Order: Male student Seat No.17 Tasaki Daisuke, Female student Seat No.20 Nakajima Misaki. The two people must make love.
5th Order: Male student Seat No.30 Yahiro Shouta. Yahiro Shouta must give an order in front of everybody. The person who receives the order, must follow it, as if it was an order from the King.
Shouta's Order: Male student Seat No.17 Tasaki Daisuke. Tasaki Daisuke must hang himself.
6th Order: Male student Seat No.21 Hashimoto Naoya, Female student Seat No.9 Ueda Kana. The entire class must hold a Friendship Vote for these two. The side who has the fewest votes shall be punished. If the Friendship Vote is not held, both sides will be punished. ※ Votes cannot be passed.
Extra order: The King's order must be completed within 5 minutes. Ueda Kana did not complete her order, but she is no longer in this world, and therefore is unable to complete it. As a result, the person who was also involved in the order Hashimoto Naoya will be punished. Male student Seat No.21 Hashimoto Naoya must find someone to make love to. If this order is not executed, the punishment is spontaneous combustion.
7th Order This game involves all male students. Prepare 100 pieces of paper, write 1-100 on them. Going by the seat numbers of the male students, starting from No.1, each person may choose to draw 1-3 cards, and thus continuing, the person who draws card no.100 will be punished. If the game is not conducted, all male students will be punished. Please enjoy the game. ※The punishment this time is a heart attack.
8th Order Female student Seat No.22 Hirano Nami. Hirano Nami must give herself an order. Following the order, is equivalent to following the King's order.
Nami's Order: Female student Seat No.22 Hirano Nami. Hirano Nami must touch the King.
9th Order Male student Seat No.12 Kanazawa Nobuaki. You must lose your most important possession.
10th Order Male student Seat No.1 Adachi Shingo, Female student Seat No.15 Kinoshita Akemi. These two must each send two messages saying to their classmates. The classmates who receive the message will die an accidental death.
11th Order All students in the class need to pay attention. People who do any unneeded action within the King's game will be punished. Also, Male student Seat No.28 Mizuuchi Yusuke, Heart attack. Male student Seat No.30 Yahiro Shouta, death by suffocation. Female student Seat No.15, drowned to death. These people have broken the rules of the game.
12th Order A student in the class must roll a die. Depending on the number rolled, the person who rolled the die must specify the same number of classmates. The person who rolled the die, as well as the people specified, will all be punished.
※ If the die isn't rolled, or nobody is specified, then everyone in the class shall be punished.
※ Within five minutes after rolling the die, following the number rolled, specify the same number of classmates. The method to specify, is to have the person who rolled the die send a message to the specified people. Sending a message to someone who is already dead is invalid.
12th Order Amendment Within five minutes from now, following the number rolled, specify the same number of classmates. The method to specify, is to say their name. Specify immediately.
13th Order Male student Seat No.12 Kanazawa Nobuaki must kill Honda Chiemi with his own hands. Also, the following participants will be punished. Female student Seat No.6 Iwamura Ria, punishment by decapitation. These people have broken the rules of the game.
13th Order Male student Seat No.12 Kanazawa Nobuaki and Female student Seat No.24 Honda Chiemi must kill the person they love the most. If the order is not completed, the 2 students will be decapitated.
14th Order Male student Seat No.12 Kanazawa Nobuaki must choose between being punished one last time or continue the game.
'Ōsama Game Climax'


Ōsama Game